Monday, December 15, 2014

Love at first sight, or from a spark?

I watch a lot of romantic comedies, and lately, that has me thinking...

Do you believe in love at first sight? What about love from "a spark"?

Well, I don't believe in love at first sight. I think the best thing about getting to know someone is all their little quirks and "flaws". Especially finding out everything you do and don't have in common.

But I definitely believe in that whole "spark" thing. In fact, it's happened to me three times in my entire life.

Well, 2 and a half. (I'll explain.)

The first time it ever happened to me, it came out of nowhere. I was sitting in the restaurant with him, and he looked up at me while we were talking about what kinds of dreams we had for the future. I remember laughing, meeting his eyes, and turning bright red. The floor dropped from underneath me, my throat clenched up a bit, my stomach started to feel like I had just jumped off a swing, and my skin started buzzing all over.

It was like you're looking across a crowded room at a party where no one knows you, and someone lifts their head up at an opportune time just to see right down to your core of who you are, and likes what they see.

I froze. Complete deer in headlights look, no lie. Luckily, he had to use the washroom. I recovered by downing half my beer. (Go me.)

I pretended for a good year and a half that it didn't happen, before I finally said something and we started dating.

It was a lovely relationship, although it only lasted a short while, because of other demands.

The second time, I was on a coffee date with someone I had just met, and the same thing happened... We looked up, locked eyes, and-

I turned away.

I can't tell you why, but for some reason, I just didn't want to acknowledge that feeling. It died down quickly enough, and now we're nothing other than platonic.

That was the half part. Duh.

I met the eyes of someone recently, and all those feelings came rushing back, like they could see all the way deep into my core, and the things they could see weren't as scary as I made out. Stomach plummeted to my feet, fingertips numb, the whole shebang.

So yeah, I can totally believe the whole "spark" theory, but the "love at first sight" theory? Ehhh. Nope.

The best part about falling in love, is taking off those rose colored glasses and realizing that it doesn't change how much you care about them.

It's a nice feeling. Too bad rom coms aren't the best at portraying those feelings sometimes.

So what say you? Spark, or love at first sight?