Ya. Let's go there.
But first, a disclaimer. Please don't
think this particularly applies to me, that I'm in a loveless
relationship or that I'm inherently against porn or masturbation. I'm
not. What I am against is choosing a lifeless option by oneself over
a real person and intimacy.
You know how all these little girls are
going on diets? Trying to starve themselves or over exercise at 12
years old because they feel fat? It's because girls are shown images,
from day one, of skinny, perfectly airbrushed, totally natural
photoshopped bodies. This affects our self worth, sadly, and when
you're constantly surrounded by all these women who are “better”
than you, it really fucks with your head.
When we get to our teens, we enter an
entirely new world where is contorted not only physical beauty, but
sexuality as well. All of a sudden, we're not only competing with the
Cosmo cover girl, but 90% of the internet. So how do these girls get
the guy? By being slutty, easy, asking nothing in return and giving
the guy whatever... or whoever... he wants. So what message does that
send a young woman? “The way to a guy's heart is by giving whatever
he wants, with no expectations”.
Ever go downtown on a busy night?
Skirts nowadays are so short, you can literally
see the bottom of girls' butts. That is NOT sexy! I love a good
looking woman, trust me I do, but what ever happened to leaving stuff
to the imagination? GIRLS. Get this through your heads : guys
don't fall in love with (nor probably date) the slut.
People are lazy, in general, so why would a guy go out of his to land
a nice girl when his basic want, sex, can be plucked out of a club
with little to no effort?
cry sexism and inequality while putting on the makeup and taking off
the clothes. Those women who are giving themselves away for a smile
and a drink are fighting their own cause. They're fighting our
own cause. For the love of God, just... stop. Let guys work to get
you, girls. Like Mark Gungor (“Laugh Your Way to a BetterMarriage”) says; “You gots to climb up the
palm tree to get to the coconuts!”
a better sex life, guys? (yes,
I'm generalizing, I know. If this doesn't apply to you, don't take
offence). Want your girl to do go bananas on you? It's actually
pretty simple. Focus on her.
Put the porn away, focus your energy on her... Make her feel sexy and
desirable and she will blow your mind. Nothing says to a girl “You're
ok, whatever, I guess” like showing her you'd rather touch yourself
than feel her touch.
I know SO many women in long relationships or married... And the ones
who have a happier, healthier sex life are the ones who's sex lives
are with each other; not the internet. I'm not saying this is the
ultimate cure, but trust me guys. A browser history full of 'hidden'
porn is very damaging to a woman. I don't care if she watches it with
you. I don't care if she watches it alone. I know there are probably
girls out there who genuinely don't care... But chances are? She
does. She might not tell you she does, she might tell you I'm crazy
for typing this, but chances are; she cares.
message “you're usually good enough, but some times I just wanna
watch other women do stuff you
won't do” is hurtful and demeaning. And if you're the girl porn
watcher, then you might want to keep an eye open to how this affects
him. I'm 100% confident this can go both ways.
If you think I'm crazy, check out Mark Gungor's “#1 Key toIncredible Sex”. I'm not making this stuff up. I'm not an angry
wife. I'm just fed up with friends getting their hearts broken
because they feel inadequate, worthless and unimportant.
Respect yourselves. Respect each other.
Sven writes in response to this post;
ReplyDelete"Got to admit not a fan of this one.
Dictating what is and isn't sexy is a matter of personal aesthetics and judgmental no matter which way you're swinging on the pendulum. I'm not a fan of those outfits either but that doesn't mean the girls are 'sluts' - you're not in their heads so you don't get to judge why they wear what they wear. Surprise - I know plenty of folks who enjoy dressing that way.
As for 'what guys want' - yeah please don't be speaking for an entire gender. While I may not be a guy I spend most of my time passing as one and I want a relationship over sex. Even then I'd be quite happy to date a 'slut' if she was a good person. What she wears has no bearing on her worth as a person or as a potential partner.
As for masturbation and/or porn I can't speak for everyone but they're completely separate from sex for me. Wanting one does not preclude the other. Yes, people should not be ignoring their partners in favor of self-satisfaction but that has nothing to do with the acts or materials themselves and entirely on the individual - self-centered is self-centered whether they're ruining their relationship with masturbation or with their attitude elsewhere.
Plus, again, please don't be speaking for an entire gender. I know plenty of women who enjoy pornography with, and without, their partner and to imply they are somehow damaged for it is quite presumptuous.
All in all the piece comes off as judgmental hand-wringing based on generalized stereotypes instead of actual human beings."
I should've specified, Sven. I know there's nothing wrong with dressing like that in itself. I don't think it's sexy at all, but someone else might. I get that. I have issue with these girls complaining that they never get "Mr Right" when they present themselves that way and give it away. If the girl doesn't give it away, she's not the one I'm talking about.
ReplyDeleteI'm also generalizing because the scales usually tip that way. As I said, it might not--well, it won't apply to everyone. I'm aiming at people who do this to the point where it's damaging to their lover. Not the people who occasionally indulge. Maybe I wasn't clear, though... Masturbation is different than sex, but it's not wrong. You won't grow blind, get hairy palms and go to hell; that's not what I'm trying to say.
I'm trying to say that if you do it to a point where you're choosing the porn over the partner, THEN it's a problem. If teens are dressing that way because they feel that's how you need to dress to get a guy to notice you? THAT's a problem.
As for the "by being slutty", that was in reference to the pornstars... In porn, they get the guy by being slutty.
I'm sorry the message wasn't conveyed as intended, I'll try and be a lot clearer, next time.