Friday, May 17, 2013

Facebook Indulges My Insecurities

There are days when you can feel pretty low, unworthy, and just not good enough. Everyone has these days,  every once in a while. You could be feeling great the day before, happy with the successes you've accomplished, loved by your friends, ecstatic about the opportunities life is giving you, and the next day, you could feel ignored by those you care about, below the par your friends are setting, and just baffled at what you're doing in your life. No matter how high your life is, every once in a while, you just start to feel low.

It could be anything that sets you off into this crappy mood; maybe your animal of choice ignores you in the morning, (Oh no, Fido, how could you?) maybe you drop an egg on the floor as you're making breakfast, or, maybe you're silly enough to load up Facebook and begin to compare yourself to those on your friends list.

This is one of those days for me.

Humans can never seem to be happy with what we've got, we're always striving for more. Of course, this particular quirk seems to get encouraged by Facebook. We inevitably begin to compare our lives to others on Facebook.

Besides the point that people tend to avoid discussing their failures online, and prefer to only share their successes, we're all also in different stages of our lives with different choices to make and different goals in mind. That person wants to get married in the next five years while that person wants to concentrate on their career, but that person over there is pretty damn happy about getting drunk tonight with friends.

So then I've acknowledged that it's silly to compare myself to anyone on my Facebook, and yet, why do I still end up doing it?

Why is it that even though I feel I'm doing well in my life right now, and I'm excited to do even more, that I have to hold myself in comparison against people on Facebook?

"Oh, she's got a MUCH nicer body than me, my body just doesn't look like that." "She's a vocalist in a band, that's awesome. Wow, I don't think my voice sounds good at all." "She seems to get a lot of compliments on her personality lately. I doubt anyone even likes spending time with me."

And with this, you can see how easily insecurities can take over what you're seeing on Facebook and make you feel low.

As a side note, yes, those are indeed things I've thought in the past hour, even though I logically know that it's bullshit to think that way, and that there's great things about myself too.

And people wonder why I deleted Facebook off my phone...

So how do you drag yourself out of this mood? Well, I'm working on that right now. A few suggestions are angry music, (turn all those mopey feelings to anger, anger is more productive) exercise (nothing quite like sweating your butt off to release endorphins, those will make you feel better AND you're doing something good for your body) as well as doing something you enjoy that makes you productive. Why something productive? Because after you're finished, you can look at that product and be satisfied with the work you've done.

I chose writing, and decided to purge all my feelings in a nice, easy to read format for everyone to know that yes, indeed, even smart ass hot shot bloggers have low days.



  1. I've had people tell me how jealous they are of me because I'm skinny. Yeah, so what? I don't have gorgeous curves like some of my rounder friends, nor do I have their beautiful, full faces... not to mention AWESOME cleavage. People just see that I'm skinny, therefore, my body is better, somehow?

    No. It isn't. For your information, I'm skinny because I have social anxiety and when I stress out, I either forget to eat or willingly don't. I work out because it helps, again, with the huge levels of stress that I somehow manage to find myself with. I was also anorexic as a preteen (because of my daily panic attacks), so my eating habits are bad (healthy when I DO eat, at least), my stomach is way too sensitive to food, and I'm just now, YEARS after, getting over the "feeling full is hell" thing...

    Trust me, I'd trade you "being skinny" ANY day if it meant not having to deal with panic attacks and borderline agoraphobia... Plus, I'd get awesome boobs, too.

    Sometimes it's hard to remind ourselves of how great we are... but the way I see it, if we never had those days, we'd probably be cocky ass hats. So, try to feel better for now, and tomorrow, when you look in the mirror, maybe you'll see how awesome you are again! :)

  2. Comparison is the thief of happiness
