Monday, March 18, 2013

Slut Shaming and Victim Blaming ***+18 ONLY - GRAPHIC CONTENT***

Okay, normally, I do not get involved in political issues. Nor do I get involved in movements, (for example Occupy Fredericton) or any other type of big issue topic.

But now I'm just pissed. So instead of the snarky post I was going to make on skin care, you get to listen to me rant about the Steubenville verdict.

To briefly describe the story, a football team full of minors had superiority complexes and one night at a party, a group of young boys took advantage of a drunk girl while she was unconscious  They digitally penetrated her, and attempted to force her to engage in oral sex. After the night was over, the girl woke up, unclear of anything that happened the night before, but luckily, bystanders not only took pictures of her being sexually assaulted, there was also a video and plenty of texts (in expert reports, over 30,000 were reported) to inform her.

The two boys who did the touching were charged guilty while three other boys were granted immunity by becoming witnesses. The two boys, Mays and Richmond will be behind bars until they are 21.

I agree with this sentence. In descriptions of the events, there is a shocking lack of empathy and respect for women overall, and a complete disregard of right and wrong. I fully believe these boys needed to go to jail. I say this as someone who has taken criminal law courses, and understands that the Justice system isn't just there for punishment, but for REHABILITATION. This community needed to be torn apart by the verdict, and a point proven, because their young people need to be educated properly, that these events should not happen. They're wrong.

But that's not why I'm ranting today. I'm ranting today because I was shown a link. A link where people with their opinions post on the internet.

Are you prepared for the idiocy? Then click the link below, and read up before you continue.

Are you back with me? Good.


It doesn't matter what I'm doing, getting wasted while wearing a bikini, that body is still mine and I am not asking for it. I am not in the wrong for treating my body however the hell I want. You are in the wrong for thinking that it means you also can do that without my permission.

Being wasted does not mean she's asking for it. Wearing any type of clothes does not mean she's asking for it. Having a large number of sex partners does not mean she's asking for it.

We are your daughters, mothers, sisters, nieces, aunts and friends. Start treating us as such, give us the respect we deserve.

Stop telling us to be aware of our surroundings to avoid getting raped. Start controlling your urges and seek help so that you don't rape. Stop slut shaming and victim blaming.

And this goes to any gender. Forcing a guy is just as wrong as forcing a woman. When I say I want equality, I mean it. It's not just women that get raped.

Feminism: for equal rights.

Now pardon me while I go work out my anger.

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