Tonight, I want to discuss age differences in dating.
So, from most movies, we are given the example of young women, and older men. Recently, in the past decade, we've seen examples of older women with younger men, but in both of these examples of relationships, the interplay is flawed, and there is generally the common consensus that one or both of these individuals is using the other as a means to an end. Sometimes it's sex, or stability.
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The epitome of smoldering hot older man. (YUM.) |
Here's a mind-blowing proposition for you; maybe, just maybe, these two people are interested in each other.
This topic came up while one of my coworkers was describing the age difference between her parents. I mentioned that I didn't see the big deal, because it was only a few years. My coworkers were curious to know why I had this frame of mind, and I mentioned that I had dated someone who was 26 years older than me.
Well, that blew up quickly.
They wanted to know details, like, did he pay for me when we went out on dates, or, did I stay at his place, and what was dating him like, but really, why did it end?
Well, first of all, we dated. It wasn't really a relationship, since his divorce really did a number on him. Enough so that one night I was over at his place, and heard all of his "girls" on his voicemail. Other than that, we split the bill, I had my own apartment, and we talked about our day, our dreams, ambitions, wants, needs, and disappointments.
So yes, like a regular "relationship". I wasn't a golddigger, I just liked spending time with him. But, I was too young for him to want to be seen in public much with me. We would hear the usual things, like "dirty old man" or "silly little girl" and when you hear that often enough, sometimes it gets to those who aren't possessing of a great backbone. (The wimps.)
Long story short, he picked an "age appropriate" girlfriend out that he wasn't worried to be seen in public with. (His loss, really. My butt was the nicer one.)
That sucked. It hurt, and it did a number on me, too.
But here's the thing; another coworker had dated someone 30 years older, and she was also in it for reasons that worked for her. They went on vacations, they had a car, and a house.. It was what she wanted. But, he also wanted marriage and children but she was not ready for that.
So yes, there are different reasons to get into a relationship, but it applies to all relationships. When you date someone, be clear about what you're looking for, before you decide to make a commitment.
I know people say that major age differences in a relationship means it's likely to fail, but I disagree. I think any relationship can fail if you are going to be so silly as to not communicate appropriately.
Long story short, age differences only matter to those who let it matter. A relationship is a relationship, and it's up to both partners to make it work, and not let the dirty little things others say about them in.
Food for thought, neh?