Thursday, September 25, 2014

Class Crush

You just sat next to someone in one of your classes. They make a sarcastic response under their breath, and you look at them in surprise. Suddenly, that Intro to Gobbledy Gook doesn't seem as boring. They smile at you, you smile at them, and-

Gag me. Just f*cking ask each other out already.

Ah, the class crush. I see this every semester, every year. I'm even guilty of doing it myself every now and then.

The class crush is when you're attracted to someone in one of your classes, who shows interest in you as well. You both flirt, joke, and sit in sexual tension so thick the rest of us hapless mundanes around you choke on it. But, one or both of you has a fear of rejection, so you do the internal promise thing.

"I'll ask them out for a coffee tomorrow," you promise yourself.

You inevitably choke up, and postpone it.

Next time, Gadget.

All right, player, here's a thought; what are you so worried about? Rejection happens to us all, but you're less likely to get rejected by someone in a new class. They probably feel as lost or lonely as you do, and they will likely jump at the chance for some companionship.

One coffee later, and it gets fairly easy to determine if you're a good match. Next mission? Follow up with date #2.

So do us all a favor, stop playing all "Romeo and Juliet", and just ask already.

Seriously. Before I do it for you.

And yes, I totally would.

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