Friday, May 23, 2014

Someone Wrote a Blog About my Opinion

I have learned something new today. I just felt the need to share it with others.

Someone made a blog post specifically meant to disagree with my opinions.

Here, let me explain the backstory.

I follow a Facebook page called "Stuff Journalists Like" and one of the admins (I'm guessing there are multiple admins) posted up this question;

"Anyone wanna write “Things Print Journalists Will Never Understand about TV News?”

Did they ever! Suddenly there was a plethora of print/radio/tv journalists having it out in the comments section. I sat down, and for the fun of it weighed in on the discussion in a Buzzfeed style 10 point list.

 Speaking as someone who has a range of experience in print/radio/tv journalism, I made up this list. Print journalists will never understand; 1) how hard it is to adapt a story to tv 2) the struggle of finding articulate interviews willing to go in front of a camera 3) the struggle of finding a good set of shots for a story that will keep the viewer interested 4) getting shots in winter 5) the tight deadlines for each story 6) how heavy all that camera equipment is that you have to lug everywhere 7) discovering fact errors after deadline and your story is about to air 8) the amount of attitude it takes to do an on camera intro 9) the constant fight with your video editors 10) when something amazing happens that is perfect for the story but you didn't get it recorded.

I figured someone could find some great gifs for a post like that. Then I went about my day.

To my surprise, a man from Georgia named Ben Baker had made a blog post in response to my chicken scratch list, in which he then invited my response.

I thought it was great! I even told him so on the facebook page!

His blog link is here, by the way, if you'd like to read it. I did not include it here, as it is of an extended length.

Thanks for responding back to my comments, Mr Baker!

My only comments I wish to make in response are the ones I left on the facebook page, as pictured below.

So what's the bottom line? Who cares about the format. Just tell the damn story. That's what we're here for.


Mr Baker has responded to my comments.

I enjoy it when there is no trolling on Facebook, but simple sharing of ideas and opinions in a healthy environment.

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