Sunday, April 7, 2013

"You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Hungry"

I've started and restarted this blog entry, trying to find the right words, the ones that get across my feelings. It's harder to do than you can imagine.

See, I don't like doing anything half assed. I blame my father for that. He was always on me, constantly pushing me, forcing me to put my all into things that I do. My mother was always right behind him, reminding me that whatever I want to do, I can.

My mother put the idea into my head, my father forced the hard work out of it.

What I'm trying so hard to do, is to describe how I get my motivation to do anything. Someone praised me for it recently, telling me that they wished they had my work ethic, telling me that if they did half the work I did as a volunteer, they'd be paid a lot more than they are. *cough* Elise *cough*.

The thing is, I put so much hard work into it, because I have a personal attachment to what I'm doing. I care deeply about them. So deeply, that I immerse my feelings into my projects, and that gives me the motivation to push all that I can, past the point where most would be burnt out.

I do a lot of volunteer work. I'm a Marketing Coordinator for a local nonprofit radio station. I'm the person in charge of Promotions for Fredericton's Ovarian Cancer Canada Mini Walk of Hope. I also volunteer with Cat Rescue Maritimes, and I've even adopted a cat from them.

These are all so important to me, and I have very strong feelings about my projects for all of these groups.

You see, so many bands struggle, and I've seen it up close in action, when I lived above one in 2007. They put a lot of hard work and effort and dreams into what they're doing, and my creative side just recognizes that. I want to help those with the drive and the ambition to make it, and get their sound out there. Being at CHSR FM not only helps me help them, but provides those musicians with that sense of community and acceptance that they need. Seeing them accomplish their goals is one of the best feelings in the world.

Cancer has a tendency to run in my family. And, as much as I would like to donate all my money to further cancer research, I simply can't. But, when I was offered the opportunity to donate my time to help Ovarian Cancer Canada fund raise and organize events, I jumped at the chance. Both my grandparents are in remission. I want others to know the hope of getting a second chance at time with their family.

I have always been a big cat lover. I've even been called a cat many times by people who know me. One of my barely thought out ideas was to open a cat shelter when I was older, to help all the stray cats in Fredericton. When I found out about Ca-R-Ma, I called them up and asked how I could help.

Now, I do own a cat shelter. My own apartment. I was given all three of my cats, (Chloe, Saga and Athena) and I'll probably end up getting a fish and a bird soon too.

As you've obviously noticed from this blog, I'm also an avid writer. It's not always the case. I have a busy life (obviously) and while sometimes ideas pop up, I don't always have the time or patience to figure them out.

Writing is my way to express my feelings, whether happy, sad, or angry at that time. So when I write, it can never be half assed for me, and that's my motivation. I need to put my all into it. Which means all my emotions.

So there's a scary thought for you; I write out my emotions, and I always put 110% into it.

Just imagine what I could end up doing if you make me angry.

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